Monday, 17 August 2015

Somaliland: a country of auction written by Adam Ahmed Adam

 If our citizens and government understand the importance of their public asset they would be able to manage these assets more effectively and economical with the help of the country’s infrastructure. Let us go back in the early years of 1990s when the civil war and chaos existed and people were involved in destruction and looting of the country's basic infrastructure.
 We have witnessed the looting and demolition of Berbera Cement industry, Laasqorey fishing industry and Hargeisa milk industry. The reason behind such devastation was clear. It was a lack of effective and functioning government and persistence of armed militia and intra- inter clan wars. Some people believed that these assets belonged to the ousted Somali central government. Then we have experienced the impact of chaos and anarchy which resulted to the loss of the most valuable assets that we highly needed for job creation, revenue generation and production output.
Today in twenty first century, the country recovered from chaos and anarchy. A system of governance has fully functioned and democratic institutions which held number of free and fair elections resulted transfer of power by vote. But the country is still practicing old primitive fashion of destroying and looting remaining saved assets owned by the government. I observe that the previous and current administrations sale state owned resources such as Hargeisa Electricity Power, government real states, and public libraries and even on the way to transfer the only functioning port in the country plus block of land for oil exploration projects. I do not have a doubt that the auction proceeds on a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder, but follow in favor of interest and mutual of understanding between individuals involved the looting of public asset.
Additionally, the government has the right to sell or lease public asset in order to cover its potential cost through legal procedures based on transparency and accountability. The impact of this is letting go of a long-term valuable asset in exchange for a one-time payment. The government’s argument says it will improve efficiency, increase competition and tax revenue will rise. I disagree with such assertion. It shows me a complete failure to run country’s infrastructure sector and economic sector. The entire leadership of departments involved in these activities shall resign because of their failure to effectively and legally perform assigned work.
In a prominent case study when the Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy on 2008, USA administration started to nationalize and this resulted in a variety of government bailouts that were implemented to stabilize the financial system during late 2007 and early 2008.
Similar case happened in Somaliland, a Qaran express which was one of the private financial institution was trusted by our people with respect to licence provided by our administration as a legal entity and then deposited huge capital asset, hired a lot of people, declared bankruptcy on 2012. In fact it was sad news to hear for the depositors and employees.
In my conclusion, we are all aware of that our parliament not yet proposed a bill of private financial institution and bill of auction of country’s public asset. Then why do we accept to the legitimacy of all these activities and validity to operate the county or to sale public asset? Are we standing for a country of principle or still a country of anarchy?
Adam Ahmed Adam

The author is economist based in Erigavo, Sanaag region of Somaliland.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Ma qabiilkaynu la dagaalannaa mise qabyaaladda?

Inta aad aaminsan tahay inaad reer hebel tahay, qabyaaladdu way jiraysaa. Qabyaaladdu waa sida xumadda oo u ah cudurka calaamad (Symptom). Hadii aad isku daydo inaad xumadda dawayso oo aanad wajihin cudurka keenay, waxa aan shaki ku jirin in cudurku aanu tegi doonin islamarkaana si kasta oo aad isaga buuxiso xumad jebin, waa shaki la’aa in weli cudurku ku haynayo. Kaba soo qaad in duumo (malaria) ku hayso oo aad rabto inaad dawayso. Dhakhtarkii aad u tagtay wuxuu kugu dal dalay xumad jebin badan. Ma kula tahay in duumadii sidaas ku tagtayso?

In kasta oo loo badan yahay in afkana laga dhaliilo qabyaaladda ficil ahaana lagu dhaqmo, hadana waxa jira dad ay dhab ka tahay in qabyaaladda lala dagaalamo. Waxaan qabaa in isku day kasta oo isku mashquuliya la dagaalanka qabyaaladda uu guuldaraysanyo oo uu yahay hal bacaad lagu lisay ilaa xididada loo siibo qabiilka.

Waxaad is waydiin kartaa sida ay suurta gal u tahay in qabiilka oo Eebe Quraanka ku sheegay jiritaankiisa loo tirtiri karo. Qabiilka Soomaalida ee aynu halkan uga jeednaa waa wax kasta oo ka badan abtirsiinta afraad. Marka laga bilaabo magacaaga inta laga gaadhayo odayga afraad. Wixii intaas ka badani waa sheeko dheer iyo tirinta odayo lagu sheego inay ku dhaleen balse xaqiiqdii ay u badan tahay inay yihiin been iyo magacyo la samaystay ama ku aroora awoow la bar tilmaamaystay si loo xoojiyo is gaashaan buursi waayuhu keenay abuurkiisa. Aqoonsiga abkaas dheer waxay keentaa inay isku xidho oo ka dhigto dad wax isku ah umad balaadhan oo laga yaabo inay deegaan, dan iyo duruufba ku kala duwan yihiin.

Afartaas qof oo dabacan xaqijintoodu sahlan tahay lagana yaabo inay nolol isku soo gaadheen, waxaa loo adeegsan karaa in lagu dhawr nasabka laguna qaybsado dhaxalka iwm. Marka laga guuro abka fog ee tobonaanka oday socda, waxaay dadku isugu soo hadhayaan qoysas (families), waxana ka baxaysa dareenka qabyaaladeed ee la isugu hiilinayo.

Qabyaaladdu waa dareen, aragti iyo dano ay keentay isticmaalka magaca qabiil. Marka qofku isku sifeeyo inuu yahay reer hebel wuxuu iska soocay ama gaar yeelay bulshada inteeda kale ee aan ahayn reer hebel. Halkaas ayay ka bilaabantaa qabyaaladdu.

Dadku way kala cunsurisan yihiin oo waxa jira dad hab dhaqanooda ay si wayn uga soo if baxday qabyaaladdu, dad umadda cunsurinimo iyo uur xumo kula dhaqma. Waa na kuwaas colka dadka u ololeeya la dagaalanka qabyaaladdu kuwa ay ku wajahan yihiin. Waa dadka qabyaaladda u isticmaala inay dadka aan reerkooda ahayn inay dhibaan, leexiyaan ama ku lunsada hanta, sameeya eex iyo qaraabo kiil.

Taasi waxtar maaha, faa’iidona kuma jirto ololaha caynkaas ah. Waa talaabo uun ku lug leh in lala noolaado cudurka. Balse qabyaaladdu maaha cudur aan daawo lahayn oo ay tahay in lala noolaado. Waa calaamadda cudur la dabar goyn karo. Cudur kaas oo ah qabiilka.

Qabyaaladda, wadaniyadda iy dareenada caynkaas ahi iskood isuma taagi karaan. Tusaale ahaan ma noqon kartid wadani (nationalist) hadii aanad dal ba lahayn ama aanu jirin wax aan ku sifeeyo dalkayga. Anigu ma noqon karo wadani ay madax martay Somaliland hadii aanan ka tirsanayn Somaliland. Qabyaali na ma noqon karo hadii aanan qabiil ka tirsanayn.

Arin kale oo muhiimad wayn u leh tir tiridda qabiilka iyo qabyaaladda waa xoojinta dawladnimo dadka ilaalisa (protection), siisa caymis, daryeel, dayn iwm, islamarkaana qofku nabad gelyo ka raadin karo marka belo soo wajahdo. Dawladnimo ku dhisan caddaalad iyo sinaan. Marka dawladda caynkaas ah la helo waxa hoos u dhacaysa baahida iyo ku tiirsanaanta qofku u qabo qabiilka. Ogowse qabiilku waa ku lid dabeecad ahaan (by nature) dawlad caymadaas leh. Mar walba oo qabiilku xoogaysto waxa hoos u dhaca awoodda dawladnimo. Mar kasta oo dawladnimadu xoogaysato na waxa hoos u dhacaysa awoodda qabiilka.

Ugu danbayn, cidda ay run ka tahay la dagaalanka qabyaaladdu waa inay la dirirta qabiilka oo ay colaadeeda ku wajahdaa in meesha laga saaro waxaan ahay reer hebel oo kolkaas waxaannu wax wadaagnaa cid kasta oo abtirsiintaas leh. Hadii kale waxa hugunka lagu darayaa dad aan hubo inay afka ka caayaan qabyaaladda balse ku dhaqma hadh iyo habeen.

Guleid Ahmed Jama
Hargeisa Somaliland

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Army Force: The Wasted Resource writen by Adam Ahmed Adam

In general context of Somaliland economy, it mainly depends on livestock production, which has historically and culturally been the mainstay of livelihood for the majority of the people. Moreover, farming sector is predominantly subsistence through rain-fed production of cereals mainly sorghum and maize. Rain-fed farming is estimated for 90% and irrigation 10% of all agricultural activities in the country where the livestock production contributes 60% of the GDP and about 85% of foreign export earnings.
On March 3, 2014 Somaliland government launched a campaign of awareness rising named “a week of food and water security compaign”. The policy behind this campaign was persuading the people to consume locally cultivated crops and by increasing production and productivity. The idea was welcomed and appreciated at first place. As the Somaliland in figures show, in 2013 the government allocated to the productive sector $ 11,537,249,755 which was expected to empower the capacity skills and technical knowhow of local farmers with respect to increase their production and productivity (crops, livestock and fisheries).
Unfortunately, upto date our government not yet intended to invest and to subsidise small farmers on marketplace or to support overhead costs of farmers, like seeds, cultivation tractors, water pump machines and even pipelines. Similarly, other big business entities do not want to invest our small farmers. As the Somaliland in figures published the quantity of food imported in 2013 for the first quarter were 105,579 tons and the second year quantity food imported of 2014 first quarter 108,339 tons, and this year the quantity food imported of 2015 first quarter 102,675 tons. Additionally, the consumer price index on imported food has shown increase in first quarter of 2013 ($212,) 2014 ($226) and 2015 ($238). Therefore, the food price index rises each year and the production is zero.
It is a fact that our government allocated almost half of the country’s budget and spent in our Army forces which have entitled to allot. In 2013 as the Somaliland figures shows, it allocates in Security Sector approx $ 275,748,151,762 and it has the right to allocate them because they sacrificed themselves to death and harm by protecting any kind of threat, as article 123 of Somaliland constitution states that “the national Armed Forces shall be responsible for protecting and defending the independence of the country.  In addition, they shall, when needed, undertake duties in periods of state of emergency, in accordance with the Constitution.”
In my opinion, I see as an idle resource (the Army) for economic prospect which is only consumption pillar. In this case, I wonder why the government not utilized their army force for the production means (digging wells, constrution dams, gullies and farm extention); for sake of securing food needed by its citizens whom cannot afford to pay the higher price of imported food.  Nevertheless, Army’s participantion and engagement of crop cultivation to increase production supply will help country’s economy growth and it will immediately increase food stock available in marketplace and consumers easily accessible to buy with reliable and stable price and it will utililize to feed country as whole. Then, this will be tangible outcome from production output. If the government exploits its army in production means, it will help country’s economic growth.
 In my conclusion, today the geopolitics of the region of Horn of Africa is based on mutual interest and understanding. Hence Somaliland is not facing direct threat or hostility from neighboring countries or other countries. Therefore, I would like to suggest the army force should participate in country’s production means.

Adam Ahmed Adam

The author is economist based in Erigavo, Sanaag region of Somaliland.